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πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹ Hii! Buddies we are currently working on an update. We will soon come with the full content. We are extremely sorry for the inconveniences you are facing. β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

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What is Hacktoberfest and How can a beginner contribute?
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software in partnership with Github.

hacktoberfest banner

If you are a programmer /developer,you probably must have heard about hactoberfest till now.Every October, Digital Ocean and GitHub ship out free Hacktoberfest shirts(or option to plant a tree) to thousands of people around the world.

hacktoberfest t-shirt

Rules :
  • 1.To get a shirt, you must make four pull requests between October 1–31 in any timezone.

  • 2.The pull request must contain commits you made yourself.

  • 3.Pull requests reported by maintainers as spam or that are automated will be marked as invalid and won’t count towards the shirt.

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Who want this

This site offers free ebook on technical topics like computer programming and cybersecurity etc and anyone who is interested want this..

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Here everything is arrenged systematically,without ads and no-nonsense stuff. Browse with a healthy mind and share your thoughts.

About No Starch Press

No Starch Press is an American publishing company, specializing in technical literature often geared towards the geek, hacker, and DIY subcultures. Wikipedia

About No Starch Press ebooks

No Starch Press publishes the finest in geek entertainment β€” bestsellers like Python Crash Course, Python for Kids, How Linux Works, and Hacking: The Art of Exploitation. But the cost of their books is too high and that the reason this site is providing you with free of cost No Starch Press ebooks.

Download your ebooks

From here you can download any book easily.

Note:-Please note that the full content is not yet published on this site. Now we are only previewing our site. We will update this site with full content shortly.


The linux command line



Python crash course 2nd edition



Serious Python



Black hat python


About Goalkicker.com

GoalKicker Books is creating your custom programming books for you to easily learn in 2020 and they are free of cost.

About us


Sumit Patidar


I am your helper buddy and help you in any issue.If you like us please drop a like..


Nikhil Patidar


I am also your helper buddy and help you in any technical issue..We are trying hard to give you best content.

"My site never has bugs. It just develops random features."



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